An Essential Guide to Find The Best Sunglasses Manufacturer For Your Business

If you are looking for a sunglasses manufacturer to supply your business with sunglasses, then there is one certainty you’ve already faced: there are hundreds of different sunglasses suppliers out there, and picking one is a daunting task. Thankfully, this daunting task does not have to be impossible. If you want to find the best sunglasses manufacturer—meaning the highest quality, the most professional, the most secure and the most reliable—then you have come to the right place. The following is a guide to help you understand how to choose the best manufacturer for all sunglasses products.

What Makes a Good Sunglasses Manufacturer?

Naturally, you only want to supply your company with glasses from a “good” manufacturer. But what makes a supplier a “good” manufacturer of sunglasses products? There are several factors you will need to consider when determining the quality of the supplier.

The most important elements of any manufacturer of sunglasses are:

  • Quality of their product.

What is the quality like? Are the glasses made from quality materials? Is the craftsmanship durable and sturdy? Is the quality consistent from piece to piece? Do the provided sunglasses match the description you were given from the manufacturer?

  • Reliability and customer service. Does the company ship their products on time? Do they package everything professionally? Do they respond        promptly to inquiries, concerns and other messages? If there is an issue with the product or a purchase, is the company willing to work with you to resolve them?
  • Certification and compliance. Does the company report their certifications and compliances with various codes and standards? Do the codes and standards match those necessary to sell the products in your   country?     
  • Diversity of their product. Do they provide a variety of different sunglasses for purchase? Is it enough variety to meet the demands of your business? Does the variety they provide suit your business’ target market? Are they able to provide different material or other custom options on some products?
  • Online presence. Does the company have an open online presence, such as social media pages? Are customers capable of contacting the company on social media? Do they have a professional looking website?

It is a lot to take in, but these elements are truly important when you’re trying to decide what manufacturer to purchase from when buying sunglasses and sunglasses products. You don’t want to risk getting a low quality product or dealing with an unprofessional company, especially if you plan on spending a lot of money to stock your own business.

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Sunglasses Manufacturer

Unfortunately, there are a lot of mistakes you can make when searching for a manufacturer that supplies sunglasses. Sometimes these mistakes result in nothing more than miscommunication—but they can result in lost money and wasted time as well. In fact, some of these mistakes could cost you hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of dollars if you aren’t careful—so please make sure you read them carefully and keep yourself aware of how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Using the first company you come across impulsively

While it’s completely possible that the first manufacturer you come across is a genuine and high quality supplier, it’s not the most likely of scenarios. You should at least avoid using the first company you find without doing some major research on them, and without comparing them with other companies before making any purchases.

Mistake #2: Falling for prices that are too good to be true

Yes, you can save money when you buy items in bulk, but quality sunglasses cannot be bought for pennies unless you are buying a significant amount in bulk. It is all too common for people to fall for the trap of buying from companies whose prices are simply too good to be true.

These prices are suspiciously low and usually require no minimum order, which can mean one of a few things: 1) the quality of the glasses is extremely poor, so the company can afford to sell them cheaply because they are cheaply made; 2) the company is using another business’ stock photos to trick you into buying inferior products; 3) the company is shady and you may not get any products at all.

Remember—reasonable prices are not automatically suspicious. Many quality sunglasses manufacturers can provide prices of about $1.50-2.00 per pair when you order in bulk numbers; to get an idea of a “reasonable” single price for these same glasses, when ordered as a single purchase, these same prices tend to be about $15-20.00. Just be careful if you find companies who are offering you single purchase or no minimum purchase sunglasses for shockingly low prices, such as .50 cents or less.

Mistake #3: Picking a company without an active, open online presence

Unless you happen to live in the area of the factory and regularly deal with factories in-person, you should only deal with companies that have an open and active online presence. This means that they not only have a website, but some form of social media or open activity—such as a Twitter page, a Facebook page, or even an Instagram. You should also look to see that the manufacturer is still active on these pages. Active, open companies are more likely to be professional and work with you in case there are any issues, so it’s best to buy sunglasses from them.

Mistake #4: Choosing a company that doesn’t specialize in glasses

The best quality sunglasses come from manufactures who specialize in sunglasses and other glasses products. You should avoid purchasing from a company that doesn’t specialize in glasses products, due to the fact that specialized manufacturers provide the highest and most reliable quality sunglasses on the market today. Non-specialized companies may use materials that are not up to regulations and codes, or simply material that is low quality and not worth purchasing.

Tips for Buying from a Quality Sunglasses Manufacturer

Now that you know how to spot a good manufacturer and avoid some of the most common mistakes and pitfalls, it’s time to tackle another issue: what to do when you’re buying from the manufacturer themselves. There are several tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your purchase; the following are 5 of the very best tips when purchasing from any quality sunglasses manufacturer.

Tip #1: Know your materials

The best way to make the most out of your purchase from a manufacturer is make an informed purchase. This means that you need to know all about the different materials used to make sunglasses, including the materials used to make frames, the lenses, and so on. The more you know about the materials used to make sunglasses—such as their different durability, their feel, and even their general popularity among your target market—the better chance you will have of making an informed decision.

Tip #2: Buy in bulk (whenever possible) to save money in the long run

You can save the most money when buying from a sunglass manufacturer if you are willing to buy the products in bulk. The minimum order for bulk purchases will vary from company to company, but you should expect to purchase at least 200 pieces minimum at most professional manufacturers. A minimum purchase order helps them offset selling their sunglasses pairs at a low cost when they are ordered in bulk numbers. Although it may seem like buying in bulk costs more money at the outset, you can easily make up the difference when selling the products due to the fact that they didn’t cost much per pair from the manufacturer. You can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by buying in bulk instead of buying them in standard amounts.

For instance. let’s say you’re interested in a pair of quality wooden sunglasses. When ordering from a manufacturer in bulk, you might pay $380 or so total for 200 pairs of glasses, which comes out to $1.90 per pair. When ordering with a standard amount, you might pay about $8 per pair—or a whopping $1600 total. By buying in bulk, you would have saved $1,220 in savings!

Tip #3: Ask about your options

If you are interested in a specific type of sunglasses or you are interested in a certain product but want to know if a detail can be changed—don’t be afraid to ask! Many manufacturers will be willing to work with you on customization options, as long as you contact them prior to ordering. You will likely need to pay some extra money for custom pieces, but the price will be well worth it when you receive products that exactly suit your needs.

Tip #4: Don’t forget about production time

When you’re ordering sunglasses from a manufacturer, you have to remember one crucial thing: it takes time for them to get made. You will need to factor in production time when buying from manufacturers, especially if you are operating on your own business model. The amount of time you need to wait will depend on a few factors, including: the exact product you ordered, whether or not you wanted any customizations, and the number of glasses in your order. Many professional companies have a product time of 7 to 10 days for standard pieces, with customized pieces take about 30 days total for production time.

The best way to deal with production times is to remember to order “early” for your own business, so that when your glasses do arrive, they will be right on time. And don’t forget to factor in shipping time as well, since shipping products will probably not be immediately after the production is finished.

Tip #5: Speak up if you have concerns

Something that many people falter on when purchasing from manufacturers is speaking up if they have questions, concerns or even issues with their order. A professional company will handle questions, concerns or order issues promptly and efficiently, so don’t be afraid to speak up if you have a question about a product or order, an issue that you need addressed or a problem that needs to be resolved.

KICO Glasses: The Best Sunglasses Manufacturer Around

This guide has covered just about everything you need to know in regards to finding the very best manufacturer for your company, from how to spot a good company to avoid common pitfalls to making the most of your shopping experience once you have chosen a manufacturer.

If you are looking for a professional sunglasses manufacturer company that will provide you with the best quality products, the most reliable service, and the most professional customer service, then you need look no further than is the leading manufacturer of quality sunglasses; they offer a variety of sunglasses products made with different finishes, materials, lenses and more.

Their professional service extends not just to their products, but their customer service and dedication to making sure every customer/client is happy as well. They specialize in sunglasses and similar glasses products, which makes them an informed and knowledgeably choice when buying sunglasses to sell at your own company.

So if you are looking for top notch sunglasses at reasonable prices to stock your own business, look no further: Kico Glasses has everything you need at prices you can afford. Contact us today with inquiries about bulk orders to get you started on your journey towards your company’s clients access the very best in sunglasses products.

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